XBian 1.0 Alpha 3 Released!
XBian 1.0 Alpha 3 Released!
XBian development moves fast!!! Now they are launching the Alpha 3 version of XBian 1.0
If you are already running XBian 1.0 Alpha 2 you can simply update to Alpha 3 by running the following commands via terminal. If you need to access your Raspberry Pi XBian remotely, please refer to the XBian via SSH Guide.
sudo su
wget http://jb.xenserver.sk/xbian/update.sh
perl -p -i -e “s/\r\n/\n/g” update.sh
chmod +x update.sh
Users who are behind on their XBian updates, you’ll need to do a fresh install. XBian 1.0 Alpha 3 can be had here:
If you need a quick refresher on how to install XBian, please refer to the XBian Install Guide.
Here is a quick summary of the changes:
- Issue #63: [xbian-config] No reboot after network change
- Issue #70: XBMC couldn’t access the USB attached drive
- Issue #72: Black terminal when exiting XBMC
- Issue #93: [xbian-config] Static network configuration doesn’t work
- Issue #101: [xbian-config] Incorrect flag names in videoflags module
- Issue #106: Library update hangs the raspberry pi halfway over SMB share (fixed by issue #74)
- Issue #38: Start xbian-config when exiting XBMC
- Issue #74 and #75: Upgraded to XBMC v12 – Frodo Beta 1
- Issue #88: Advancedsettings.xml is now XBMC v12 – Frodo proof
- Issue #92: MythTV PVR add-on
- Issue #66: XBian apt repository
- Issue #76: LIRC srm7500libusb support
- Issue #91: ASS subtitle support
- Issue #93 and #58: [xbian-config] Network settings fully functional
- Issue #84: Improved memory split
- Issue #98: Libcec 2.0.4: Changelog here
- Issue #96: Kernel 3.6.7
XBian Config Additions
- Issue #57 and #34: Removed dependency of LUA
- Issue #93 and #58: Fixed network settings
- Issue #73: New section for managing installed services
- Issue #61: Fixed button labels for Root enabled SSH ()
- Issue #66 and #62: Add/remove packages + updates through apt repository
Many thanks to the XBian dev team, they just keep drinking AWESOMESAUCE!
Category: Uncategorized